Ongoing List of
Native American / Indigenous
History Books

Please Note
- Ethnicity/Race/Nationality can be complex topics, especially for those with multi-ethnic backgrounds. In being culturally sensitive without having countless tables, I've categorized the books into 4 main categories, as can be seen below. (Books with asterisks are in multiple categories)
- Every family has different beliefs and values. Please make sure to preview titles to ensure they fit your family standards.
- Many of the books shared here are titles I'd either like to or have used for my own daughter, books that come highly recommended or books I think would be worth sharing. Therefore, I have not read every book. As mentioned above, please preview titles.
- Some books may use politically incorrect words. Use your own judgment to substitute them with more culturally sensitive terms or leave them as is if they convey the feel and message of the times to your student. (i.e. Indian vs Native American)
- The recommended ages are just that: recommended. You know your child best and whether or not a book may be appropriate for them.
- Picture books are often thought to be just for younger children. However, I can't tell you how many times the powerful words accompanied with beautiful imagery have moved me to tears or lead to rich discussion with my student. Please don't miss these opportunities just because it's labeled a "picture book".